Become a Watertown Boys and Girls Club Member!
Registration for WBGC 2024-2025 Membership opens Tuesday, September 3 and is ongoing! Please click the buttons above to register for a membership ONLINE (preferred), or click the link below to download, complete and submit the membership forms directly to the Club’s front desk.
When creating a new online account, a Parent/Guardian should be the “Account Owner” to first establish an account for your family. Once your account has been approved, participating children can then be added to the account and enrolled as members. Additional non-participant family contacts can also be added at that time.
If renewing a membership for the new year, please be sure to confirm or update all family and member information in the registration forms to ensure all information is accurate.
Note that the fee for annual membership is $25.00 per member which is due at the time of registration. If you are a member of the Watertown Housing Authority, you may be eligible to have your membership fee sponsored by WHA. Please call Watertown Boys & Girls Club for more info.
Please click the link below to download the WBGC Club Membership packet. Upon completion, please submit to the WBGC front desk along with payment for processing:
About WBGC Membership:
Watertown Boys & Girls Club Membership is open to all youth, age 7-18, from Watertown or any other community. Membership is required for all of the following:
- Participation in our daily After-School Drop-In Program (see below for details)
- Enrollment in any fee-based WBGC Activities & Programs (e.g. Swim Lessons, Swim Team, Biddy Basketball)
- Enrollment in our Summer Camp, School Vacation programs (February/April) or other OST (outside of school time) fee-based programming during the membership year.
Our annual Membership Fee is $25 per member. The membership term runs from September through August of the following year and with renewal due at the start of the new academic school year.
Each Club member receives a membership card with their own unique member number. Members are required to “check in” and “check out” each day they visit the Club by scanning their card at the front desk upon entering and leaving the Club.
LOST CARD? Please note a $2 replacement fee will be charged if a Club member loses their card.
Drop-In Programming: The Watertown Boys & Girls Club offers Drop-In Programming Monday-Friday for youth ages 7-18 on days when Watertown Public Schools are in session. Members will participate in a range of programs and activities during their time at the Club. Program schedules will be updated by session and available on the “programs” page of our website!