Heroes & Helpers

Heroes & Helpers
Hosted by Target of Watertown &
Sponsored by Watertown Police Department
Transportation provided by Watertown Council on Aging/Senior Center Buses
December 2024
Watertown, MA
WBGC Members Shop for Gifts During the Holidays
Our Heroes & Helpers or “Shop with a Cop” event is sponsored by Target of Watertown and The Watertown Police Department to give our young Members the chance to go shopping for gifts. Many of the kids have taken the liberty to not just shop for themselves, but also find gifts for family members and friends. Target donates gift cards for this event and the Police Department brings pizza to fuel the shopping sprees led by police offers throughout Target.
The kids love building a relationship with our local Police Department and sees them as community role models who go above and beyond to make a direct impact by supporting kids in the community.
Stay tuned for more information coming soon!
The Watertown Boys & Girls Club
For over 50 years, the Watertown Boys and Girls Club has been building great futures for the youth and teens in the Watertown community. Our club is a safe, creative setting with trained, compassionate staff who help guide, mentor and coach boys and girls in achieving academic success, build character, connect with peers and develop healthy habits for a great future.
Our mission is “to inspire and enable all young people, especially those that need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.” Through affordable access to highly valued programs, WBGC lays the foundation on which youth can build a successful future. Your investment in quality programming will result in long-term positive impact on local youth within your own community.